it is divided into 5 episodes, telling the story of humans living on earth (
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登录注册 网站提交 软文发布 the documentary explores the extraordinary strategies and ingenious techniques used by animal parents to give their children a step ahead in life. from killer whales teaching children to hunt blue whales, to orangutans teaching children to make beds, to how the hippo family spends a terrible african night. parenting is an adventure – cameras capture every exciting
wu yun the first edition was launched in 1995 under the name of "a inch of mountains, rivers, and blood". in 1997, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the lugou bridge incident, the crew completed their journey back to the old battlefield and visited eleven provinces in the mainland. the second edition of the documentary was revised. released under the name of "60 years of lugou beacon"; revised again in 1999 做上本站友情链接,在您站上点击一次,即可自动收录并自动排在本站第一位!
life is boiling
produced by dasheng media, a gourmet humanistic documentary that takes hot pot as the perspective and has insight into the various aspects of chinese people's lives. in front of the boiler, people enjoy the most diverse, tolerant and pure food, but also hold together to keep warm and witness the sorrow and joy of you and me.
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